EFT: How to do EFT
Just thought I would add this, this is the answer I gave to a question posed by a newbie to EFT on my Facebook group, The EFT Energy Exchange, “how to do EFT, the basics”.
Well below is the basics, obviously it can get more complex than the explanation set out below covers, however it is a starting point

EFT Tapping Chart
The most simple way to use EFT is to identify a problem, such as a nervous feeling in the stomach. Then rate that feeling from 0-10. 0 is where you have no problem at all. 10 is the worst you have ever experienced that problem.
Then set it up by tapping on the karate point, which is the edge of the hand that if you were a karate expert would hit the surface.
Whilst tapping on this point say, Even though I have this problem (nervous feeling in my stomach) I completely and totally love and approve of myself. Repeat this three times whilst tapping on the karate point and then tap on the other EFT POINTS, such as the eye brow, side of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, chin point, collar bone point and the under arm point. As you tap on each of these points say what the problem is, in the example I have used it is the “nervous feeling in my stomach”.
When you have done that check how intense the feeling is now. Keep tapping until it goes down to zero.
All the best,
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