EFT, what is it?

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is the term used by Gary Craig the developer, for the meridian therapy approach he developed from Thought Field Therapy (TFT). EFT was developed in the 1990’s. It is a psychological form of acupressure. There are no needles involved in the process. EFT involved tuning into the problem and then tapping on a specific set of acupoints and re-balancing the energy. Acupoints are energy points.

How to do EFT?

Tap approximately 7 times on the points indicated using light percussion whilst repeating the following statements. The words “this problem” are used the represent the issue, when working on a real issue, you would use the words that define the problem more accurately such as “this tight headache across the front of my forehead”.

Assess the Problem
Evaluate on a scale from 0-10 the intensity of “this problem”

Tapping a Round of EFT

Tap on the points indicated below and repeat the statement in italics, remember to substitute the words that truly identify your specific problem.

The Set Up
Karate Chop Point: “Even though I have this problem, I completely and totally love and approve of myself”
Karate Chop Point: “Even though I have this problem, I completely and totally love and approve of myself”
Karate Chop Point: “Even though I have this problem, I completely and totally love and approve of myself”

The Sequence
Eyebrow Point: “This problem”
Side of Eye Point: “This problem”
Under the Eye Point: “This problem”
Under the Nose Point: “This problem”
Chin Point: “This problem”
Collar Bone Point: “This problem”
Under the Arm Point: “This problem”

Re- Assess the Problem
Re-evaluate on a scale from 0-10 the intensity of “this problem”

The EFT Tapping Points Diagram

The following diagram shows the tapping points used in the shortened EFT Protocol. There are other tapping points that can be used. In the original classic EFT, fingers points were also commonly used as was a point located on the chest called the “sore point”. The “sore point” was rubbed as opposed to being tapped. It was used in place of the karate point for setting up the problem.