Public Speaking and Confidence

Feedback from an EFT- Inner RePatterning Session

“Before the session with Tania (using EFT-Inner RePatterning) I seemed to have a blurred vision of everything around me when I thought of giving presentations…as if I couldn’t focus on any one thing…hence the feeling of going blank when I thought of standing up in front of a group!

The difference in my vision after the session was phenomenal!”


Living Energy Day-World’s First 24 Hour Tele- Seminar

Tomorrow at 10 am UK time I will be taking part in the world’s first 24 hour tele-seminar promoting Energy Healing. This is going to be a huge event. My Guests include:

Janet Broughton: Janet will be talking about how EFT helped her make a full recovery after breaking her back in a car accident. One of the amazing things about Janet’s story is that she is just on the verge of leaving the UK to set up a YOGA Retreat! It wasn’t that long ago she walked with a stoop and was in a lot of pain and was told there was nothing more the health services could do for her.


Clearing a Fear Of Public Speaking can Change Your Life

Very few people realise the true impact that a fear of public speaking can have on a person’s life. For one thing it can dramatically hold you back in your career. People stunningly good at what they do can feel frustrated at the fact that they cannot present their work confidently to their peers. It can also […]


Public Speaking: Out of Body Experiences

So what type of symptoms can you experience if you have a fear of public speaking? For some, they have the sense of not being in their body, it is as if they are an observer listening to themselves. Weird but true. Their voice can even sound distorted to them. They can feel as if […]


Public Speaking Courses

Just finished doing a confident public speaking course. After working with all the attendees using EFT, TAT and NLP, near the end of the day we set up a way to test the results. The question that I asked the attendees was, “what is the worst thing that we could do to really test you […]


Next Confident Public Speaking Training Course

The next public speaking course I am running will be at the Stanneylands Hotel in Wilmslow in Cheshire on the 18th of May. I couldn’t resist going back to this hotel after holding my retreat and last public speaking course at the venue. Great atmosphere and great food. We will be using loads of EFT. […]


Public Speaking: The Power of Pausing using EFT and NLP

Powerful presenters are masters at the art of pausing. Pauses can dramatically increase the effectiveness of a presentation. Of course we are talking about pauses that either occur naturally or are used for effect by the presenter, as opposed to the awkward pause that occurs as a result of the mind blanking. Big difference! Pauses […]


Fear of Public Speaking: Throwing Up and a Happy Ending!

How Can You Not Know You Have A Fear Of Presenting? Well June Spencer never really knew she had an issue presenting until she was training to be an EFT Trainer. And boy did that realisation hit her in no uncertain terms, she literally threw up. (Luckily for all concerned she did manage to reach […]

By Tania A Prince | EFT . Public Speaking and Confidence

Stagefright: “I tried to get it back”

Philippa recently attended my Confident Public Speaking Course (the main technique used on this course is EFT). The audio is from the interview I conducted with her shortly after she gave some talks on EFT to groups of teenagers in schools. Some of the interesting things Philippa talks about is how she actually tried to get her […]

By Tania A Prince | EFT . Public Speaking and Confidence

Public Speaking: Critics and Fear

It is very true that not all people may like you when you give a presentation. It is really important to overcome this issue. So what if they don’t like you, everyone has a right to their own opinion. However having said that simply knowing that fact does not eradicate the issue. People still feel […]


Public Speaking: Do we need to feel nerves?

Public Speaking, shyness and social phobia is one of my favourite areas of working, why? Simply because I used to have this fear myself. One of my first public performances was as a five year old child in the school play. I was petrified and at the same time loved the experience, how weird is that? […]


Presentation Fear: The common causes

Presentation fear, more commonly referred to as fear of public speaking is thought to be THE MOST COMMON fear, thought to be greater than the fear of death itself. In fact a famous American comedian, Jerry Seinfeld once said, “According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is […]