EFT Training Courses


EFT and Reframing – Using Counter Examples

EFT is a powerful tool for getting results. When combined with reframing (using language to help a person change perspective) the results can often be even more dramatic. There is an art and skill to combining reframing with EFT. Reframing can be extremely useful if you want to lighten the mood of a session and also if things are not clearing smoothly.

By Tania A Prince | EFT Training Courses

EFT and The Power of Reframing

Here is another article on combining EFT and the art of reframing. Both EFT and reframing are powerful tools in their own right for creating powerful shifts in perception, shifts that can enhance the quality of a persons life. When combined it can increase the effectiveness of the approaches.


EFT and the Art of Reframing – Time

Mastering the art of reframing is one more tool in your therapeutic arsenal that can help you become even more effective in gaining results using EFT. Reframing is also fun for both the therapist and client. With that in mind, this article contains information on a stunningly easy, fun reframe. It is one I commonly use.

By Tania A Prince | Alcohol Addiction . EFT Training Courses . NLP

Eliminating Stress in a Horse and Rider using Inner RePatterning

“ Thanks … today was enlightening. Was brilliant the difference in my seat … It’s all very exciting…Because I love it (horse riding) so much I try so hard to learn, so when you did (Inner Repatterning) I just let go of everything I thought I should be doing with my seat. That’s when my seat changed…(it) was great …There must be so many people who are stressed when they’re riding (without knowing it) and don’t realize how much it affects the horse…It felt like an emotional cleanse.”

By Tania A Prince | EFT Training Courses

Inner RePatterning and Depersonalisation and Derealisation

“My illness (depersonalization and derealisation) is little known but on the way home “I saw ‘some real cows’ and actually felt being “present and in the moment in that very overpriced “Services!””” Then this morning – rather than lying in bed due to lack of motivation I actually experienced being “in that space – no judgment – no guilt and a sense of calm in my brain which I have not experienced for maybe thirty plus years”

By Tania A Prince | EFT Training Courses

Inner RePatterning- Stockholm Syndrome and PTSD

Just a few months ago I felt desperate and depressed, and showed signs of post traumatic stress, cognitive dissonance and Stockholm syndrome, having been in a relationship for some years with a low conscience disordered sociopath……Then I came across Tania’s amazing Inner Repatterning therapy. The results have been truly amazing!

By Tania A Prince | EFT Training Courses

EFT- Blindness and Sight

Suddenly whilst joining in one of the EFT Training exercises, Diane noticed that the room seemed “very bright”, as if she was looking at the sun. What was so extraordinary about this was that fours years previously Diane had lost nearly all of her sight

By Tania A Prince | EFT . EFT Training Courses

EFT – Blushing and Fear of Public Speaking

The girl beside her took on board what she was saying and then drew to her attention the fact that her neck and chest were “blotchy”. Instantly the problem ramped up a couple of degrees and now she became faint and felt even more sick.

By Tania A Prince | EFT Training Courses

Inner RePatterning and PTSD

“I couldn’t quite believe it! I tested it out. I walked home – Ambulance sirens didn’t bother me, busy traffic was on the road, and I on the pavement – no reaction. We went into a busy restaurant – no reaction – amazing!”

By Tania A Prince | EFT Training Courses . Inner RePatterning . PTSD

Living Energy Secrets Season 3

Just in case you are interested in checking it out, the Living Energy Secrets is closing down Season 3 this Sunday at midnight, you still have time.


EFT Inner RePatterning and Living Energy Secrets

“It has been an amazing experience, I have been able to connect with levels of my consciousness which I didn’t even know existed!” EFT Inner RePatterning- on Living Energy Secrets Teleseminar Series

By Tania A Prince | EFT Training Courses

EFT Inner RePatterning -Accreditation

new approach, EFT Inner RePatterning….asked whether we would like it accredited by a leading professional UK body- wow! Things are moving really fast.

By Tania A Prince | EFT . EFT Training Courses . Inner RePatterning

Free Teleseminar- Living Energy Secrets

speakers include: Tapas Fleming, the developer of the incredibly powerful TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique), Donna Eden, author of “Energy Therapy”…….


EFT Inner RePatterning- Audio Interview

Inner RePatterning is a new EFT process. I just thought I would post a download link to the audio interview about it.

By Tania A Prince | EFT . EFT Training Courses . Inner RePatterning

How to market an EFT Business

Many (EFT’ers) have had the dream to set up in business and work helping people, but that dream has not manifested itself. Why is this? Two Reasons: Blocks and Lack of Marketing Knowledge