
Snake Phobia: EFT, did it work?

I recently worked with Ruth over the phone dealing with her snake phobia using EFT. Ruth kindly agreed to allow the session to be recorded and gave permission for others to be able to listen to that recording. Below is the follow up interview I did with Ruth. When using any form of therapy it […]


Chocolate Addictions: “I want to Throw a Tantrum!”

Chocolate addictions: dealing with the immediate cravings can often be an extremely easy thing to do using EFT. In fact because it can be so easy to do and is so easy to demonstrate tat it is taught in the EFT Level 1 syllabus. Sometimes however to clear out a chocolate issue you have to dig deep. […]

By Tania A Prince | Food Addictions . Weight problems

EFT and Business

I will be presenting EFT to the Business Community in Runcorn on the 9th of July at the Heath Business and Technical Park. Maureen Fearon who has featured on many tv and radio shows, most recently for giving people tips on how to do great interviews, has invited me to demonstrate EFT for her networking […]


Clearing a Fear Of Public Speaking can Change Your Life

Very few people realise the true impact that a fear of public speaking can have on a person’s life. For one thing it can dramatically hold you back in your career. People stunningly good at what they do can feel frustrated at the fact that they cannot present their work confidently to their peers. It can also […]


EFT Masterclass in London

Just a quick update, for those who intend to book onto this event, the early booking discounts is nearing the end. If you want to take advantage of the discount you need to head over. Dr Pat Carrington and Carol Look will be amongst the presenters

By Tania A Prince | Conferences and Events . EFT

Can EFT Make You Lose Your Job?

Well seemingly so. Shannon volunteered for me to work with her  and to film it. Shannon’s issue was that she felt “trapped in a no win situation job”. In her own words she said, “I wanted a way out, but couldn’t see the forest for the trees”. Well we are now six weeks after the […]

By Tania A Prince | EFT . Fast therapy techniques

Public Speaking: Out of Body Experiences

So what type of symptoms can you experience if you have a fear of public speaking? For some, they have the sense of not being in their body, it is as if they are an observer listening to themselves. Weird but true. Their voice can even sound distorted to them. They can feel as if […]


Next Manchester EFT Training Courses

My Next EFT Training dates in Manchester are; EFT Level 1: 14th of June Then the 11th of July The EFT Level 2 will be on the 12/13th of July The courses will be back at my favourite venue the YHA Conference Centre, Manchester. The next level 3 will be on the 5/6th of July. […]


TAT Event in Ireland with Tapas

Just got back from the TAT Conference in Ireland.  (Actually got back yesterday). TAT is an incredible technique. Like EFT it is an energy psychology technique. However whereas with EFT we have to get very specific (usually) to get results, with TAT we can be stunningly global. What does that mean? For one thing it means […]


Free EFT Audio Session on Weight

The session is a recording of the follow on session that I did with Debbie. Debbie volunteered to let me film working with her. The filmed sessions are in post production. I interviewed Debbie on her progress following the filming. She reported that she was on track and had lost 8lbs without trying. Now that […]

By Tania A Prince | Free Audio File . Weight problems

EFT: Miraculous Recovery From A Mugging

 Mugged and on Left with Numbness in the Leg for Ten Years: EFT was “Nothing Short of a Miracle” Part 1 Imagine what it would be like if suddenly  through a violent act you were left with physical impairment. And imagine if you were told that nothing could be done about your problems. That the […]

By Tania A Prince | EFT . Physical Problems and Illness

Public Speaking Courses

Just finished doing a confident public speaking course. After working with all the attendees using EFT, TAT and NLP, near the end of the day we set up a way to test the results. The question that I asked the attendees was, “what is the worst thing that we could do to really test you […]


EFT Filming Updates

I think it is really great to hear back from people I have worked with. Today, I received an email from a lady who volunteered to be filmed on the 1st of May in Wales. The work we did was on her lifelong weight issue. She has lost 8 lbs without even trying, she said […]

By Tania A Prince | Media . Weight problems

EFT, NLP, Anxiety and Understanding How the Mind Works

I am always fascinated by how our minds work. NLP is a great area to study if you want to know more about this area. We take on board information about our world through our senses. We see, we hear, smell, taste and feel things. When we think about those things, we see pictures in […]

By Tania A Prince | Anxiety . EFT

Blocks to Moving Forward with EFT Business

Many people have blocks when it comes to setting up in business, in fact I  run an EFT Marketing course. One of the main foccusses is clearing those blocks.   Anne Yates was one of the people who kindly volunteered to be filmed whilst I worked with her on some issues she had in this area of […]

By Tania A Prince | EFT . EFT Training Courses