Author: Tania A Prince

EFT and Working with the Ancestors or Different Generations

Can tapping on the issues of members of the family from past generations (ancestors) have an effect on YOUR current life problems? In my experience it can. Deep State RePatterning (DSR) is a very powerful  process that clears issues by dealing with the roots. The roots of problems can be in early childhood experiences upward. This is typically the easy stuff to find […]


EFT, NLP and Inner Child Work Technique

Hi, This is a new video that I put together about the Deep State RePatterning Technique. Deep State RePatterning has been accepted by the EFT International as a meridian energy therapy in its own right. All the best, Tania


Integrating the Inner Child with EFT and NLP Approach

 The Next Deep State RePatterning (DSR) Course that I am running is on the 20th of February, however I thought I would publish an article I wrote recently that has been published in the EFT International Buzz and the EFT Mastersworldwide Newsletter. I have been getting some excellent results with the DSR process, even with people who have […]


Birth and Pre-Birth Trauma and EFT

Hi, With only four days to go before I do the free live seminar (via the phone) on Deep State RePatterning, I think the writing bug has got me.Anyone who has done some EFT will be familiar with how we tap on the traumatic events and clear the emotion from them. However what if the events causing […]


Inner Child Work: Why Re-Integration is important

Hi, I have always found inner child work fascinating. Many issues have their foundations in childhood. (Many have them even before birth but I will write about that another time). Inner child work is the term used to describe working with the child within you. Working with the inner child in therapy and resolving the issues […]


Advanced EFT: Deep State RePatterning

Hi, Finally back to writing my blog. I ahave been really busy these last few months. Some of that has been because I have been working on my new Advanced EFT/ NLP approach called Deep State RePatterning (DSR). I have been asked to write a chapter on it for the new advanced EFT book that should […]


EFT and NLP: Deep State Repatterning

 Just thought I would post this email from June. June is the lady who volunteered for me to use the new Deep State Repatterning process that I developed. Deep State Repatterning combines EFT with powerful NLP approaches. I have been having a lot of success using this approach. I have also set up the 1st […]


EFT International Conference 2009

Now that the 2008 EFT conference is over, time to start planning the 2009 one. And since I didn’t run fast enough when someone mentioned whether I might like to organise it up in the Manchester area, seems I am the new organiser. Well, never too soon to start organising, especially with such a big […]


Deep State Repatterning: A powerful new approach in EFT

Deep State Repatterning is a powerful new approach I developed that can work with  those cases in which standard EFT approaches seem to make little headway. A colleague of mine who went to one of the first EFT events set up in the US dealing with people with issues told me how many of the attendees […]


EFT and Pain: Innovative ways to work

Many physical problems are thought to be caused by emotional issues. When EFT’ers work with a physical problems, they may tap on the physical symptoms or they may explore and tap out the emotions underpinnings the problem. But how can you find the emotional underpinnings? At my recent EFT supervision session in Manchester, one of the […]

By Tania A Prince | EFT . Pain . Uncategorized

EFT World Magazine Interview

Just finished reading over the interview that I did with Gary Williams the editor of the EFT World magazine. I think Gary has done a really great job. The interview is transcribed from a recording of an interview I did about a month ago. In fact Gary has done a really great job with the […]

By Tania A Prince | EFT . Fast therapy techniques . Media


Been to Spain, Turkey, Ireland, and the south coast of England, now I’m finally back to blogging. Life is just so busy. The EFT DVD’s that were filmed in Wales have arrived. After a week I have finally taken a peak at them. I am taking them down to the EFT Masterclass in London conference, which is […]

By Tania A Prince | Conferences and Events . EFT . Weight problems

Free book on EFT

Jo Hainsworth has just published a really nice new book  on EFT and is giving it away free. To download your free copy you need to go to Jo’s site

By Tania A Prince | EFT

EFT International Training Triumvirate: Moving on

For over a year now I have been involved in looking at and modifying the EFT International rules regarding EFT trainings both in the UK and abroad, with my two colleagues and friends Emma Roberts from the EFT Centre in London and Ann Ross from the south coast of England. The EFT International is one of […]

By Tania A Prince | EFT . EFT Training Courses

Snake Phobia: EFT, did it work?

I recently worked with Ruth over the phone dealing with her snake phobia using EFT. Ruth kindly agreed to allow the session to be recorded and gave permission for others to be able to listen to that recording. Below is the follow up interview I did with Ruth. When using any form of therapy it […]